Kyodai Mahjongg

News board => Software => Topic started by: Nao on August 28, 1999, 00:00:00

Title: August 28, 1999
Post by: Nao on August 28, 1999, 00:00:00
Oh, yes, the poll... Well, technically, it seems like you all agree that the new features should be added in this order : new puzzle game, Direct3D support, new Mahjongg game (I hope you all realize we're talking about the 4-player game this time), OpenGL support, DirectPlay support and DirectDraw support. Let's drop DirectDraw right now because this is the thing that caused so many crashes on end users' configurations when I tried to switch to DirectX last year... I thought more people would request DirectPlay support, I guess I was wrong... Not a bad thing for me because I've never played online games in my life.