Title: New release: Kyodai Mahjongg 15.21
Post by: Nao on November 24, 2000, 00:00:00
- [Language] Updated translations : Polish and Slovenian.
- [Cool] Even more performance improvements... On my video card, it represents a 10% jump in 16-bit mode and a 20% jump in 32-bit mode. Can I do even better now...?
- [Cool] Added "Classic", "Nucleus", "Fuzzy" and "Union" tile-removal animations to the 3D mode. Oh, yes, that means all of the 2D animations... :-)
- [Cool] Improved animation smoothness in Clicks.
- [Fix] Switched back to the DirectX 6.1 engine, because of problems with older Voodoo cards. I decided to drop the Cube Mapping feature which was a DX7 specific. The performance should remain much higher than in v14.00 though, and most likely higher than v15.00 too (probably depends on your video card drivers).
- [Fix] Fixed (again !) the crash problem with the Light version of Kyodai 14.00 and 15.00, due to a personal oversight. Sorry, this won't happen again !
- [Fix] Fixed opaque particle problems on some video cards.
- [Fix] Fixed board position problems when using oversized tilesets.
- [Fix] Fixed deformed Background Cube walls on some video cards.