Title: New release: Kyodai Mahjongg 16.42
Post by: Nao on June 15, 2001, 00:00:00
- [Language] Updated translations : Italian (this time by Christian Eidolon), Polish, German and Finnish.
- [Language] Fixed missing translation items in v16.00.
- [Tileset] New tileset, "Just Kids", by Mugwump. It looks way better than "Easy", and is as useful to learn the basics of Mahjongg Solitaire.
- [Cool] Trying a new logo at the top-right corner of the screen... Send your thoughts if you don't like it...
- [Cool] Softened the menu and toolbar button borders.
- [Cool] From now on, when a background's width or height is at least twice smaller than the screen's, it will be tiled across the screen instead of stretched.
- [Fix] Kyodai 16.2D renamed to "Kyodai 2D" to make things clearer. Many people thought it was "Kyodai 16.20" and thus a newer version than Kyodai 16.00. On the contrary, I do not plan to update Kyodai 2D in the future. Although it's still a fun game to play, it's only provided for compatibility with older computers.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug in Kyodai 2D that didn't take the high-quality option into account in the language selection dialog box.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug that resulted in hiding an MP3 or Midi entry in the Music menu if MOD files were removed from their subdirectory.
- [Fix] Now the tile animations are automatically disabled when you play in software (non-accelerated) mode.
- [Fix] Hopefully fixed some (or all ?) of the "floating point" errors you may have encountered when launching Kyodai. Unfortunately it's a bug that appears much randomly.