Title: New release: Kyodai Mahjongg 17.02
Post by: Nao on September 03, 2001, 00:00:00
- [Language] Updated translations : Romanian, German (rules of Kumika rewritten by Marc Lesselberg... he's everywhere ;-)).
- [Language] Fixed Spanish translation so that the help files point correctly to the translated versions.
- [Skin] Added yet another woody skin... Wood 3 may be the most realistic of them. Quite nice.
- [Cool] Revamped the Themes feature for less confusion. Now, you can change their settings to your taste (and save them into a new theme), and "reset" the theme to its original state if you made a mistake. Additionally, I removed the "No themes" option (which had become pointless) and the game now uses the "Default" theme by... default.
- [Cool] The Themes menu is now updated immediately to show new Themes created with the "Add to Themes" feature.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug which caused the game selector to remain on the screen even when a game is automatically loaded at startup.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem with using Jpg small tilesets inside themes.
- [Fix] Fixed problems with the left frame's buttons on the Old Selector.
- [Fix] Fixed minor issue with the Automatic save option.
- [Fix] Updated the "Default" theme to use Desert.jpg, not Desert.bmp... (doh !)
- [Fix] Fixed a potential bug in Slider similar to the one fixed for Kumika in v17.01.