Kyodai Beta 2 is nearly ready. I just need to fix a few bugs that prevent the program from running in fullscreen mode. I've managed to implement DirectSound MOD playing at last. Will have to do the same for sound effects. This morning I received a really nice gift from a registered user of Kyodai : a SB Live and 64mb of Ram for my secondary machine, and a TNT2 Xentor for my main machine. Wow ! Now I don't need any more Ram for my secondary machine, and it was indeed the Ram that made it crash so often. As for the TNT2, it didn't work either... So I got mad, tried with my first TNT2 again, didn't work as well. Got mad again, removed the TNT2 violently, started to clean stupidly my AGP port with a screwdriver (!), reinserted the TNT2 card and guess what ? It worked !

I had already cleaned my AGP port before, but I guess it's just a matter of luck. So, I won't remove that card before long

... I'm a bit disappointed though, because the performance in Solitaire isn't better than for the Voodoo 3 (105 fps in a normal situation). But it works in 32-bit mode and OpenGL runs much faster, so bye bye Voodoo 3 !

I've got a fascinating life, haven't I ?