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Cyna Games > Create a user account
Welcome to the account creation page. You are just two steps away from accessing the website features reserved to registered users. You can only access them if you purchased a copy of Kyodai Mahjongg. Choose a login and a password, enter your e-mail address, then add your Kyodai Mahjongg registration information and follow the instructions.
You should note that you need to enter your actual registration information, that you received by e-mail when you registered. Accounts are validated manually by the author, so any suspicious account will be deleted. Please save yourself some time and register the game now if you want to access the website's features.
If the account already exists, it means the e-mail address you submitted is already in the database: you should then just ask to retrieve your password.
You can modify at any time your personal settings through the settings page. You can also destroy your account by yourself. |