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 Cyna Games > How to register?
Kyodai Mahjongg is a shareware program, meaning you can freely test the software for a period of one month to see if it suits your needs. If it does, you are invited to register if you continue to use it. Registering will remove all the reminders from the game.

What registration will bring you

  -- No more reminders during the game.
  -- Free upgrades forever; customers who purchased KMJ back in 1997 are still able to download the latest upgrade for free.
  -- Be satisfied that you contributed to indie game development. We all need your support!

How to register

Note: the game is no longer available for direct sale. Please read below.

I've been trying to return to game development for some time now, both to modernize KMJ a bit (which I gave up on for technical reasons), and do another project. We'll see.

In the meantime, I re-established contact with fans, and it's always good to see that Kyodai Mahjongg remains a beloved game so many years after I considered it 'finished'. Unfortunately, years after I restored the ability to buy it, I had a few months off where I was careless about sending codes and despite buyers getting charged back on request, PayPal ended up closing my account without notice, and stealing all of the proceeds from fulfilled sales of the previous 8 years. Last I heard, none of the customers who bought the game got charged back without requesting it, so one has to wonder where their money went! Needless to say, I complained and all they did was ban both my accounts whenever I requested to open an enquiry. I'm not the kind of person who prosecutes anyone (even evil big companies), so I decided never to bother making money again.

Just contact me on Steam or even simpler, join the Kyodai Discord server, and ask me for a game below $20 on my wishlist (even under $10 is acceptable if high on the list), and I'll trade you a copy! If you don't have/want a Steam account, we'll find a solution. Following the social experiment, there will be cake.

- For faster processing, don't forget to indicate your desired user name (usually that's your first & last name, but you can choose a nickname as long as it's at least 8 characters long).
- There is currently no way to access the 'private' forum on; apologies about that. What you're buying/trading for is your unlock code for Kyodai Mahjongg itself. And my personal thanks, of course.

Postal mail registration is no longer available. Welcome to the 21st century. See here.

Compatibility with Windows Vista and later
    It has been brought to my attention that many Windows users were getting error messages when quitting the game. This is something that might happen in default configurations for some people. The fix, however, is very simple: uninstall Kyodai Mahjongg, and reinstall it in a different folder. The problem is linked to the fact that Windows will sometimes prevent any program from creating new files in folders contained within C:\Program Files (x86)\. Installing Kyodai Mahjongg to, for instance, C:\Games\, should eliminate the issue entirely. Other than that, the game still works perfectly!

How do I upgrade to the latest version?
    All upgrades are free for registered users. Just get the latest version and install it!
    Please note: there are no plans to update the game any further as of 2025. It was constantly updated between 1997 and 2006, with free updates for all customers, so I consider I fulfilled my promise of free lifetime updates! :-D

How do I enter my registration information?
    You will receive your user name and password immediately (and automatically) after the order is confirmed. The e-mail will also contain all instructions on how to unlock your copy of Kyodai Mahjongg in a few seconds, and what to do in case you lose your password.

    Kyodai Mahjongg is distributed on the try-before-you-buy shareware principle. Ah, shareware... Old term, innit? Now the youngsters are calling these 'indie games', except indie games don't always allow you to try the program to ensure it meets your needs before you register. Please be aware that since the trial version is fully functional, registration is final and non-refundable.