Tired, tired

... Sorry, the beta is a bit late now... I'll do my best to release it this week-end. I'm doing my best to polish it as much as possible. Unfortunately, you can forget the Fullscreen support in it. My Voodoo 1 card still doesn't work (it doesn't send any data to the monitor... If anyone has an idea... I have the latest drivers for it), and I can't test why it gives me an access violation. Also, I can't do remote debugging because it's available only on Delphi 4.0 C/S version (I "only" have the Professional version). Which means I can't find out why the 3D version doesn't work on my i740 machine (I think the problem is related to the Z-Buffer). But there are some good news anyway.
Slider looks mostly like the 10.21 version, as well as Hashira (except the score points, they don't appear when you remove a column). I've accelerated the launch speed and, even better, there's not any more latency when switching from the Game Selector to the game itself and vice-versa. All in all, a lot of improvements have been made today. But I'm still not completely satisfied with the results. You'll be able to make your own opinion in a few days ! See you !