And today I lost another 15gb of data...

'was my fault, unfortunately (?). I formatted a partition for reinstalling Windows on it, and didn't look hard enough at its contents... It had a small "C" directory which, as it names implies, contained the whole C: partition of my previous configuration... This was actually the only partition I had managed to salvage entirely. Now it's become the first partition to have been wiped out entirely... Ouch. Well, I can't complain too much. Now I have a Pentium 4 2.8ghz with 512mb RIMM4200 RDRAM. Which makes Kyodai Mahjongg run at 366 FPS on my Radeon 9700 with Realistic Tiles disabled. What's the point ? Err... There's no point in that. I'm just a poor geek, and my life is hopeless

I can't believe I actually lost over 35 gigabytes of data in less than 2 weeks, and nearly entirely by my fault. Well, a few hours ago I was pretty convinced I had lost my 80gb hard drive (which contains all of my data), so I like to think I actually recovered 65gb of data instead of losing 15gb today. Always look on the briiight side of life...