Hello everyone. Another few months have passed, and I feel I'm long overdue for an update here. So what's up? Nothing so far for the game itself-- I've made a list of the bugs that are in v20.00 beta 1, and I intend to take a few days to bust them all, before I can finally release the final v20.00 and start working on more regular updates. Fact is, I wanted to publish the new website before I'd finish work on v20.00, so I've been spending (really!) these last two months on rebuilding it nearly from scratch. Unfortunately I have to admit it did take more work than I expected, and, being the perfectionist I am (which is, currently, a bad thing, but without that Kyodai Mahjongg wouldn't be half as good as what it is now, isn't it?), I remade the site's layout several times before I found something that was satisfying to my eyes. Strangely enough, that design is closer to the current design than what I had originally envisioned. Beats me. It is, though, much better than what you are seeing right now. I'm quite eager to publish the new site, but I'd like to implement an automated news system with searchable archives and so on, and this is what is taking me most of my time presently. Let's keep our fingers crossed and wait for the site this summer. By the way, Valentine will be on vacation in August, so you should expect technical support to be suspended (or at least severely slowed down, for as I may say, I can't do everything at the same time) during that time frame. She's done some great work these last years and she deserves some time off, doesn't she?