Hello. Here's a quick summary of yesterday's situation. I made a small mistake : the game selector's window doesn't have a width of 640 pixels, but 505 pixels. That's a big difference. So actually I can enlarge it to 640 pixels (a bit less to make it look better) and fit 4 screenshots in a row, for a total of 8 screenshots. Hey Marc, you got me on this one !

(He even sent me a complex screenshot of what it would look like if I did this !) As for releasing v12.52 earlier, no one asked for it, so I'll probably take my time and the next version might be v14.00 (with the online option). There won't be a 13.xx version because there are probably Kyodai fans who're even more superstitious than I am

Finally, I've modified the "what do you absolutely want" poll because I've somehow changed my mind on DirectPlay. I thought it was a good library, but it's probably not. When I attempt to connect to my second PC (local network) via DPlay TCP/IP, it takes up to 10 seconds to get a list of active sessions. With another set of native components I have under the hand, it takes a few milliseconds just to get connected. Additionally, I don't see any reason to have more than one "session" running, since the online feature won't accept more than 2 players. If you can find any reason that make you really need DirectPlay and/or sessions, feel free to send me an e-mail. I'm sorry that I can't reply to every mail I receive, though. These last two months have been absolutely horrible when it comes to e-mail. Aren't you supposed to be on vacation ??