Happy new year everyone. I just wanted to drop a message here to tell you that the new version is not yet ready. At least officially. It's been extensively tested by registered users from my private mailing list, and there have been several minor issues that I'm trying to fix. I don't want to rush the release of this new version because it's based on a new engine, and it's always a bit scary for me to unveil this kind of thing I've been working on for so long... Well, I actually released a final version yesterday but it was cancelled after about five minutes, only, I forgot to update my website to remove references to it. Now you know everything...

So, basically, I'll try to make a final review of the bugs people reported to me, and fix the problems I can deal with (i.e., not the hardware problems that are due to incompatible drivers). Then I'll release the new version. Believe me, you won't be disappointed. And if you can't wait, I've updated my "Version History" page with the new features for v18.00 !