Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« on: January 14, 2005, 04:28:35 » |
After ten days of activity, the new website has been acclaimed by all of its members, who are now over 500 [as of January 15] and still growing. New pages have appeared on the website, over 200 messages have been posted on the boards (a quarter of these being mine... Hu), we also offer 5 beautiful backgrounds and about 15 extra tilesets to download. I'm still working on improving the website (I'm planning to work on it for several more months), but I'm slowly resuming work on the game in the meantime. Hopefully, a new beta version version should be available for registered users, that will allow a new form of communication between the game and its website. The ultimate goal being, of course, to make the experience even more refreshing and enjoyable!  Now, let's get back to work!  (French) Après une dizaine de jours d'activité, le nouveau site de Kyodai fait l'unanimité auprès de ses membres, qui sont désormais au nombre de 500. [Chiffres du 15 janvier] De nouvelles pages ont fait leur apparition, près de 200 messages ont été postés sur le forum (dont un bon quart de moi...), nous avons 5 très beaux fonds d'écrans et une quinzaine de tilesets à disposition. Tout en continuant à fignoler le site (qui s'améliorera au fil des mois), je reprends doucement le travail sur le jeu, espérant pouvoir lancer dans les prochains mois une nouvelle version bêta pour les utilisateurs enregistrés qui permettra une interconnexion entre le jeu et le site web. Le but étant évidemment de rendre l'expérience encore plus plaisante qu'elle ne l'est déjà !  C'est pas tout ça, mais il faut que je retourne au travail, moi ! ^^
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
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From Myrtle Beach, SC
Posts: 211
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2005, 06:59:11 » |
Hear! Hear! If you're pleased, that pleases me! 
There is no right way to do the wrong thing. (unknown)
Mahjongg Master
Age 82
From New York, USA
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To soar with an eagle would be heavenly.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2005, 08:52:41 » |
I whole heartly agree with MOF and You. You have a great thing here and wonderful people to respond.  Kudos to you Rene-Gilles. Keep up the great work. Webangel 
Follow your heart and your dreams will come true. Note from Nao: Rich 'Webangel' Bolero passed away in September 2014. May he rest in peace!
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2005, 16:51:30 » |
It's all about the community, rather than the website itself 
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2005, 21:18:40 » |
In a little less than 40 minutes, the member list jumped from 347 to 408 members! Why? Because I'd forgotten to e-mail the mailing list  So most of the new members here come from the ML. Welcome everyone! (And I still have a few of them who registered using a address, despite the e-mail specifying that it wouldn't work... ^^) Edit: 421 members in less than one hour!
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2005, 23:41:49 » |
The member count has reached 500!  I've been spending my whole evening approving accounts and chatting with people who have trouble with the reg process. I'm exhausted!! ^^
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2005, 11:03:47 » |
612 members 
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2005, 16:27:09 » |
644 members. That's over 300 overnight  There are less people opening accounts now--a few every hour, so I'll be taking a break. I've been on it nearly non-stop since yesterday. I need to take a few hours off so I can think about what I should do next for the website and for the game. See you 
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2005, 22:11:21 » |
Hopefully it's working, now... If a topic has more than 10 comments, the new comments will be shown separately. You can browse through the comments with the "Previous / 1 2 3 4 ... / Next" links. Any questions? Don't be afraid 
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2005, 01:23:56 » |
And now 708 members... Wow... Did you notice how I'm the only one posting here? Well, it's not like it's important... I just thought it was funny 
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 56
From Coldwater, Michigan
Posts: 3982
Kyodai Mahjongg fan since 1998
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2005, 01:48:41 » |
So cool to see the member list growing, Naoki! Totally awesome!! (Except for you having to work non-stop. Get some rest, will ya?) 
"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2005, 02:33:09 » |
I'm trying, I'm trying... Took some time off today to read Neil Gaiman's "Coraline". A fine book similar to Alice in Wonderland, with more horrific elements (still, it's a children's book). I just finished it. Liked it, although not as much as Gaiman's other books (Neverwhere, American Gods, Stardust being the three best IMO).
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 56
From Coldwater, Michigan
Posts: 3982
Kyodai Mahjongg fan since 1998
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2005, 07:44:07 » |
Never heard of Neil Gaiman, but those do sound intriguing!
"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."
Grumpy Creator
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 49
From Paris, France
Posts: 4427
Full geek, semi-retired.
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2005, 14:57:48 » |
Neverwhere is the story of a man who, when giving help to a homeless girl in the London streets, finds himself engulfed in the Lower London, a world in the underground filled with people who were forgotten from the surface, and when he gets back to the surface, nobody can see him anymore. It's a beautiful story of one's man struggle to find his right place in the world. American Gods is basically the story of ancient gods (Scandinavian, Egyptian...) who found themselves in the USA because the last people who believed in them relocated there, and gods' power lies in how many people believe in them, so they moved to America in their hearts. Now, they're bound to find new gods that replace the older ones : the highway god, computer god, television god, etc. The story is about a mysterious human, called Shadow IIRC, who is hired by a man called Wednesday who turns out to be Odin (Odin = Wotan = Wotan's day = Wednesday). Odin wants to win the war and starts to gather his old god friends by making a tour of the US. Mainly Illinois, Dakota and the states around them (can't remember them all, I did have a map of the USA and had fun imagining their road trip on it, but I read it long ago). The last chapters are really beautiful. It won the coveted Hugo Award for best novel. Stardust is a fairy tale about a boy who wants to impress a friend of his, and promises her to catch a falling star. Litterally. They see one, and he goes on a trip to retrieve it. For this, he has to go through a wall that will bring him to the land of the fairies. There, he finds the falling star, who turns out to be a young girl. Actually, in this world, all falling stars are girls who used to live with their sisters in space. The story from there is, again, beautiful. Gaiman also wrote, in cooperation with Terry Pratchett, a book about the Antechrist, twisted in a hilarious way. It's about two lovely friends, an angel and a demon, who are entrusted with a mission to find the Antechrist and make sure he sides up with God--or Satan. This is definitely a great book to read if you love having a good laugh 
My dearest friend if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side... Where we can gaze into the stars... And sit together, now and forever, For it is plain as anyone can see... We're simply meant to be.
Mahjongg Emperor
Age 56
From Coldwater, Michigan
Posts: 3982
Kyodai Mahjongg fan since 1998
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2005, 15:14:22 » |
Those sound totally fascinating! I'm making a note to look them up.
They would appeal to our oldest son, especially, since he has a very good imagination.
"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."