Hi there. I received some good feedback from the beta 1, and I'm satisfied. I improved the menu system these last days, and it now works in 2D as well (yes, I'm keeping 2D support, don't worry

). The only things missing from the "normal menu" are the keyboard shortcuts and the multi-column system (wide menus). The rest is, well, much better than the original...

Apart from that, many of you will be glad to learn that I've re-implemented the good old selection screen from v10.21 (only looking better now, with the cool texture). I also added the ability to change the window texture. You will have the choice. Globally, the only things left to do is : finish the new menu system, and change the status line, hall of fame and toolbar so that they can be viewed in fullscreen Voodoo mode. Expect a final version this month !

In the meantime I'll try to find some time to watch the new Babylon 5 tapes I received...