Eheh. Hashira finished and playable. Slider finished and playable. Everything is now converted to 3D !! There are still a few graphic glitches in these 3D versions (the Next tiles don't appear yet, etc.), but they will be fixed as soon as possible... Oh, by the way ! Slider looks better now than in v10.21 (that grid was a bit awful), and Hashira looks just as good. It'll soon be time to celebrate, 'cause the new Beta is coming !

PS : Sorry to everyone who sent an e-mail and didn't get an answer yet !! I'm keeping a copy of all my e-mails, but currently I'm REALLY busy on Kyodai and other things, and it's a pain to control everything. Please please please don't write to me for now ! I've got approximately 70 recent e-mails left to answer :-(