Hi ! Sorry for the lack of updates... I've sort-of finished a new version of Kyodai Mahjongg but I'm definitely too lazy to release it right now... I guess it'll have to wait until next month. I'll probably make some more improvements. It's hard to think of anything to add to my software, now... I have this huge "to do list" but it's full of surrealistic requests from fellow users...

(and some more realistic but painful to implement

) The fact is that my "real life" has been busier than ever this month. Major changes in my life are upcoming. And after some time, all I can do is crash on my chair, read a couple of French comic books or watch a DVD. And since I'm not going to start talking for hours about how excited I'm about a movie or TV series (you really don't want me to write endless rants about Berserk !), I guess I'm better off being silent... Maybe I should start programming a new mini-game, so that I can waste my time playing it instead !

Anyway, here's a list of additions and fixes made to the current version -- I mean, the one I'm going to post here one day, if I'm not TOO lazy

- Managed to stabilize a very low polygon count version of the Realistic Tiles. - Fixed various Access Violation issues that happened for example when switching resolutions while playing Kyodai (you'll still have to press Escape to exit and restart, though !) and clicking on a web link in the About box while in fullscreen mode. - Mouse movements out of the playing field (menu, toolbar, ...) are now taken into account for the Contemplation mode. Small detail but I like it. - Fixed a rare but frustrating bug : after playing a Rivers game, and launching some specific layouts, you would be unable to finish the game because some tile would refuse to be selected. - Fixed a minor glitch in the back of Realistic Tiles. - Fixed invisible borders in Small Tileset games when Realistic Tiles are enabled. - Fixed "Normal" button for Hashira in the Game Selector so that it doesn't set the default starting level to 2 anymore. Use the level button to set your starting level.