Ah, good. Not too many complaints about the new beta, apparently...

The only major problem seems to be the same as on my i740 machine : 3D doesn't appear at all with Z-Buffer activated, and sometimes doesn't appear without Z-Buffer either. All I can see is some horizontal lines. I thought it had something to do with the Z-Buffer, but since the problem is sometimes still there when I disable it, maybe I'm wrong... Does any 3D programmer there know what can cause this kind of
visual glitch ? Thanks !

Oh, by the way ! Do you know how can somebody be happy when he discovers by chance his own software on sale in the main supermarket of his town ? You'll never guess. I found two copies of Mahjongg Master's French version today. I couldn't believe my eyes !

The only problem is that it's a *very* old version of Kyodai and I'm so ashamed of it !