I've changed the site design even more...

This time I've decided to remove the frames (I hate that anyway). I replaced them with a double column on each page. I just love that new style ! Unfortunately, after several tests, I realized it doesn't work correctly on Netscape browsers at a resolution of 640x480. If you're using this combination, my advice would be to switch to 800x600 or use Internet Explorer. Anyway, Kyodai itself doesn't look very good at 640x480, so I guess most of my users are at least in 800x600. Aren't you ?

Also, I forgot to tell you something yesterday. Miguel Samiez, my composer and friend, came to see me last thursday, and he brought me the long-awaited Soundtrack CD of Kyodai Mahjongg ! The cover is beautiful and the music, well, you know the music and what I think about it...

Miguel is moving to Switzerland to get married to his girlfriend Marielle, but hopefully it won't slow down the process of putting the CDs for sale online. Oh, and I got my name three times on the CD

Twice as "co-produced by Rene-Gilles Deberdt", and once as "Thanks to Naoki Haga". Eheh. I like that !

PS : I've added two new polls on the main page, and updated the OST page with the quasi-final version of the CD cover (I don't have a scanner so I can't send you the final version, and Miguel is busy moving to Switzerland)