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890 backgrounds
384 layouts
323 tilesets
205 stonesets
36 skins

 Cyna Games > Extra downloads!
> Songs
- The MPPSDK.ZIP file (115kb) is used for adding MOD music support to Kyodai. It contains the ModPlug DLL file, MPPSDK.DLL, that you need to copy into your Kyodai directory (it's already there if you have a Full version).

- The MIGUEL-MOD.ZIP file (175kb) contains two very fine MOD songs composed by Miguel Samiez, Revenge Of (Level 2) and Folk'n'Storm.
> Layouts
- LAYOUTS.ZIP (last updated February 16, 1999) contains a few new layouts made by various Kyodai players. I hope you'll enjoy them. You'll find a total of 135 different layouts ! If you have a very old version of Kyodai Mahjongg (earlier than v7.0), don't put more than 99 layouts into your Layouts directory if you want the program to remain stable. DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for this file's contents (except for the layouts made by myself).
> Translated help files
- About 20 additional translated help files can be found here. Just unzip the files into your Kyodai Mahjongg\Help subdirectory.
> Fan Sites
We can't be held responsible for their contents. You should, however, find there some fine artwork from devoted Kyodai fans.

- The late John Nicholas had his own website, Mahjongg Tiles, dedicated to the distribution of his tilesets. He made so many fantastic tilesets, that he shall never be forgotten by all Kyodai fans. His site has been removed since Xoom's demise, but Chachi kindly started a section on his website where you can download all his works. (Note: website is mostly gone.)

- You may also want to visit Chachi's website by itself -- it's got a nice selection of tilesets. (Note: website is mostly gone.)

- Andy's Resource Centre has a lot to offer. Very nice selection of backgrounds, tilesets, songs, etc.

- You can also find a lot of tilesets at Mugwump Dillard's. His Rainbow tileset is included in Kyodai Mahjongg. Nice job !

- You can find a tileset from the Ambient music duo 2002, who happen to be fond of Kyodai Mahjongg. That's all right, we love their music too :)

- ExtDesk has a set of icons about Kyodai Mahjongg, this site has a Macross set (for all anime fans out there), and that one even has a KMJ screensaver ;)