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BEFORE YOU SEND US ANY MAIL, please make sure your question is not already answered on this site! You should check out our Troubleshooting page first, as well as the Latest News page for the latest bug fixes and additions to Kyodai Mahjongg. Also, searching through the help files in KMJ itself (click on the Help button!) might be a good idea, especially if you've never read them. Please note that we will NOT reply to e-mails that do not apply these rules. If you are a registered user, please post on the Kyodai Mahjongg forum instead. You will receive a much faster answer. If you want to retrieve your registration information, the fastest way to get it would be to click on My account in the menu if you have an account on kyodai.com, or go to the eSellerate website, and follow the instructions on past transactions. Finally, if you don't get an answer to your e-mail within one week, first make sure the answer isn't in the Help files, Troubleshooting page or on the forum. If it isn't, then submit your e-mail again if it's important to you. Customer support liaisons: Nao/Gilles, and regular users like you: Webangel and Intrepid. The author would like to thank them for their help!